Obtaining a Forex licenses in Cyprus

Cyprus is the most profitable European country for doing business with a no less favorable tax system. Licenses of a Forex broker in Cyprus and business activities of investment companies are regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. Thus, companies that give advice on investing in securities are subject to licensing; provide investment services through the European Union, including in Cyprus; provide services to enter into transactions representing clients regarding financial instruments; management of own funds and investments.

A Forex license in Cyprus enjoys a number of benefits, such as: checking the availability of a license online, excellent jurisdiction and quick issuance of licenses, issuing licenses by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission is recognized throughout the European Union.

The CySEC requires for the obtaining the Forex licenses the presence of the Cyprus Investment Company, the company’s office in Cyprus, which should consist of an executive director, accountant, secretary, brokerage, financial, IT department, their supervisors, risk manager and trader, the presence of the charter document, which indicates all activities related to Forex activities.


ICO through Cyprus

Our consultants, lawyers and accountants can help potential ICO organizers in the following matters, subject to evaluation of the project, based on Cyprus law.

  • Legal support of the ICO procedure.
  • Review and consultation on Whitepaper to confirm compliance with Cyprus law.
  • Classification of tokens to be issued.
  • Compilation or review and consultation on the terms of the sale of tokens.
  • Drawing up or consideration of agreements between the issuer and other organizations (if applicable).
  • Drawing up shareholder agreements (if any).
  • Notification to authorities: ICO project (if necessary).
  • Drafting and analysis of a document listing risk factors (if applicable).
  • Tax structuring and consultations on the structure of ICO.
  • Tax rules (if applicable).
  • Overview of VAT and recommendations on the structure of ICO.
  • VAT decisions (if applicable).
  • Formation of companies for use in the project.
  • Legal analysis of the Cyprus legal framework.
  • Consulting on AML, KYC and Compliance – preparation of relevant manuals.
  • Advice on data protection, law – GDPR.
  • Technical support for GDPR.
  • Tax advice.
  • VAT consultation.
  • Accounting Issues.
  • Support of financial issues and opening bank accounts.
  • Legal execution and preparation of documents.
  • Development and creation of trusts for beneficiaries / shareholders.
  • Permanent legal advice on this and related issues.


We also provide services for other financial licenses according to demand.

We draw your attention to the fact that this article is for informational purposes only. For more advice, contact us at the contact listed on the site.

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